Sunday, March 8, 2009


..hi guys! im peewee, my real name is Earl Laine Devibar Abalayan
ahaha, age?!? 18 years old last January 20. Digos city is my hometown.
2nd year level at Brokenshire College taking up nursing.
i have one sister named Earl Wayne "wen-wen" Abalayan, studying at the University of the Immaculate Conception taking up Pharmacy and gladly, she is in 4th year now.
i am a daughter of a policeman and a medical practitioner at the same time businesswoman. i am the youngest of our family and i'm happy with that. hehehe

i love..
color? absolutely pink,
foods? seafoods, pinakbet, kwek2, oishi manju, zagu, popcorn and mango
cartoon character? Dora d' explorer
tv show? ASAP every sunday and MMK
book? definitely twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn by stephenie meyer
place? ahaha, our bukid, its so relaxing and happy to live there.
ahmm..i appreciate..
my mother and father because they love me
my ate and her friends for they always let me join with their laags
my friends for they are very understanding
ailyn, for she always bear with me..
loisy my pinkpartner for she's always been my partner with everything
the bratz, for they are good and nice friends.
the decoys, because they love me and i also love them, the 6 of them..

i hate.,.
rats, they ruin things
mathematics, im so dull here
solving problems.
rainy days.

but most especially i love God without any reason at all..

thats me, peewee
want to learn more about me, just read my next blog..
see yah!!!!

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